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video installation with various dimensions. 2 video projectors (rear projection), 2 wood frames, 2 videos (5’ and 7’), 2 non synchronized media players, without sound, colour, 16:9, full HD.

This work explores the extension of the emotional space of the city. A mattress floats down a river, ferrying a sleeping couple along with it. Following the river’s natural course as the tide comes in, the work takes stock of new spaces of transition and the possible shift into high-density dreams.

Drifting Dream (Auvergne Crew)
Conception and cinematographie : Gabriel Mascaro
Cast : Julie Chabanne, Pierre Bertaud
Production Manager: Gabriel Soucheyre.
Executive production: Virginie Sallard
Production Assistant: Grégoire Rouchit, Elsa Tarrago
Thanks: Géraldine, Aurélie, Kiki, Club Arverne de Plongée, David, Miranda Dickenson

Drifting Dream (Recife Crew)
Concepção e fotografia: Gabriel Mascaro
Produção: Rachel Ellis e Duda Gueiros
Assist. de câmera e produção: Pedro Maia
Elenco: Bruna Mascaro e Pedro Vitor Ferraz
Som: Gabriel Mascaro e Joana Claude
Edição e pós-prdução: Gabriel Mascaro
with support from ciudadesemocionales.org

produced by VIDEOFORMES